[BCNnet] Gyrfalcon shooting- no sightings

DRD donniebird at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 17 12:23:55 CDT 2005

This is further to the Tribune news story and Chris Williamson's IBET post
on the Gyrfalcon that was shot in Antioch in September.  Last Friday I
received a call from Brad Semel, IDNR wildlife Biologist, who asked if the
Bird Conservation Network would contribute to a reward fund being
accumulated for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the

BCN's Executive Committee has agreed to make a small contribution for that
purpose.  Let's hope that publicizing the reward will not only help get the
person arrested, but also raise public consciousness about how our native
birds are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.  

Donnie Dann
Highland Park/Lake County
donniebird at yahoo.com 

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