[BCNnet] New Bird Conservation Organization Is Hatching

Kristen Berry kristen at birdpac.org
Thu Apr 21 17:53:51 CDT 2005

April 21, 2005

Dear Friends,

We have some very exciting news to share with you.  After years of dedicated
service to the National Audubon Society and working in the Washington, DC
public policy office, we are leaving the organization - but not the cause of
bird conservation.  BirdPAC is spreading its wings!

Some of you have already generously contributed to BirdPAC.  For those of
you who have never heard of us, please let me explain who we are.  We have
formed a new bird conservation organization that we hope will improve the
well being of birds, protect habitat, and elect decision makers who will
fight for a better environment.  Judd Klement, also a former Audubon staff
person, and I co-founded BirdPAC because we believe bird enthusiasts could
have more impact on the political process if they had the tools to be more
engaged.  We think BirdPAC will be one of those tools.

Many conservation groups are already doing fabulous work of educating people
and activating the grassroots to advocate for public policy.  We want to do
what no other bird conservation group is doing - we want to focus on
electing the right lawmakers who will ultimately determine public policy,
the fate of our environment, and the fate of our birds.

The health of our environment means a great deal to us as conservationists
and birders, and we see a connection between the health of our environment
and human health.  We also love birds and seek to combine our desire to
improve our environment, a passion for bird conservation, and our love of
politics and campaigns.  We have found it with BirdPAC!

What does BirdPAC do?  BirdPAC identifies, registers to vote, informs, and
organizes conservationists with a focus on bird conservation.  We also
monitor, evaluate, and educate candidates and incumbents and help those
candidates who will fight for a better environment.  BirdPAC is a simple
concept - and a colossal task.  It is political campaign for the birds!

After a year of doing the work of BirdPAC part-time we have achieved enough
success to encourage us to leave our jobs with Audubon and pour all our
efforts into making BirdPAC succeed.  We have retained legal council, raised
a small amount of money that helped us get off of the ground and made a
great website - www.birdpac.org. We have also helped elect a Senator and
Congressman in the last election cycle.  This was all in our spare time -
now we are ready to go at it full force.

We are using the Internet to our advantage.  We seek to give
conservationists who are interested in politics a place to come and speak
their minds, ask question, get answers, and learn how to be more involved.
Our web presence is growing and I encourage you to check us out at
www.birdpac.org.  On our website you can:

  a.. Share your ideas and ask questions on BirdBLOG - the first blog about
politics and birds
  b.. Look at bird and political related news from around the world updated
every half an hour
  c.. Check in on the candidates we are supporting, the races we are
tracking, and find out how you can join our campaign for the birds
  d.. Tell us about candidates running for all levels of government that you
think BirdPAC should support

It is hard to believe, but candidates are already jockeying for the next
presidential campaign, while U.S. House and Senate candidates are gearing up
for next year's election.  There are even two important gubernatorial races
coming this year.

As a political organization dedicated to changing the outcome of elections
we are already in full swing and we need your help.  We are a political
campaign, and we have a mountain of fundraising ahead of us.  Your
contribution means more than you might think for BirdPAC and for bird

How you can help:

  a.. Contribute TODAY - we have begun our fundraising campaign for the
year.  We are calling it $25 in 05-we are trying to get as many people as
possible to give us $25 this year.  We are also offering great incentives
for you to get your friends, family, and fellow bird lovers to contribute
(see below).
  b.. We are seeking BirdPAC liaisons in every bird conservation
organization.  These individuals help us get at least 10 people to
contribute, inform us of local political candidates that deserve help,
attend events on our behalf, and when interested help form the backbone of
our expanding board structure.
  c.. Invite us to speak at your board or organization meeting.  Our
colorful presentation is full of interesting facts, great pictures, and
information you and your associates can use to improve bird conservation at
home, across the country, and beyond our borders.
  d.. Write articles in newsletters talking about BirdPAC and our work.
Many chapters and bird groups have already written articles, and we have
samples to help you tell the right story - the right way.
  e.. Get more involved with the BirdBlog, host a house party to fundraise
for BirdPAC, and attend candidate forums on behalf of BirdPAC.

This effort is exciting.  Nobody has reached out to bird enthusiasts the way
BirdPAC will.  Nobody has successfully tapped the enormous constituency of
bird conservationists the way BirdPAC will.  The numbers are staggering.
More than 1 in 5 American's is a bird enthusiast.  There are bird clubs of
many stripes in nearly EVERY Congressional district across the country.
With organization and effort we can band together and elect the best bird
champions to all levels of government, and see better conservation for our
birds.  There are exciting things on the horizon - we hope you and your
organization will want to be involved.

We have so many exciting things on coming in the next few months.  Here are
just a few:

  a.. We are getting involved with the New Jersey and Virginia Governors
race-stay tuned to find out how you can help
  b.. BirdCAST - the first streaming radio show that takes a unique approach
on protecting birds and the environment
  c.. Detailed candidate survey that you can give to lawmakers and
candidates that YOU think BirdPAC should support
  d.. Elections in 2006.  Election day for our U.S. House and Senate members
is closer than you think, and will have huge impact on bird conservation.
Races in Rhode Island, Florida, Maryland, Minnesota, Michigan, Maine,
California, Montana, and elsewhere will have big impact on our birds and
their habitats
  e.. We will be attending birding and waterfowl festivals - and hopefully
your chapter, club, and organizations meetings
BirdPAC has launched its 2005 Annual Fund, "$25 in 2005." BirdPAC is growing
and expanding our base of support by giving interested bird enthusiasts,
like you, an easy way to contribute more to bird conservation.

With your gift we can elect decision makers at the local, state, and federal
level who will make bird conservation a top priority.

Your gift enables BirdPAC to grow, organize bird enthusiast on the ground,
contribute to important campaigns, and raise awareness about the importance
of bird conservation issues through our newsletter the Cage Liner and the
first blog about birds and politics - BirdBLOG.

This year we will be using the money to prepare for the 2006 election cycle
and participate in races for New Jersey and Virginia Governor - two very
important places for birds and the environment.

Please Contribute Now and submit your donation online via our secure server.

So, are you interested in becoming a BirdPAC champion?  Anyone can do it and
there are fantastic rewards for helping BirdPAC grow.  By asking others to
contribute you can help grow BirdPAC, do more for birds and conservation,
and help your organization too.

For instance:

If you gather 100 $25 dollar gifts for BirdPAC you will receive a Swarovski
Spotting Scope ATS 65mm w/Hard Case or Dell Laptop for your group!

Gather 500 $25 dollar contributions and you and a partner could be birding
in Texas for a week or get a LCD projector for your organization!

Gather 1000 $25 contributions and have an all expense paid trip to Costa
Rica for two or a Dell Laptop AND LCD projector for your organization.

If you are interested please contact us and we can tell you how to identify
your contributions so you get credit for all of your hard work.

I am so excited about BirdPAC.  This idea is unproven and untested.  We are
taking a risk and we need your help, but I believe it is a worthy cause and
together we can succeed in protecting birds, habitat, and our environment.
Donate Now!

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call or write.


      Kristen Berry

      Kristen at birdpac.org

      Judd Klement

      judd at birdpac.org

BirdPAC - For the Birds!


      Kristen Berry

      BirdPAC President

      719 G Street, SE

      Number One

      Washington, DC 20003

      Office: 202-558-5459

      Cell:  202-549-1032

      Email:  Kristen at birdpac.org

     Judd Klement

      881 E. Meadow Dr.

      Palo Alto, CA 94303

      Phone: 415-999-9563

      Email: Judd at birdpac.org

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