IEEE Power and Energy Society

Chicago Chapter 2014-2015

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Challenges to Greater Penetration of Solar PV

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Carlos Chacon

S&C Electric

About the Topic

California has its "Duck Curve" which projects the challenges related to the expected growth of solar power generation within the state and how this impacts existing generation and meeting customer load requirements. Puerto Rico has its "Minimum Technical Requirements" which focus on the impact of the intermittency of solar power generation. In the country of Chile, solar power generators must reserve a percentage of their generation in the event of a frequency support event. Each of these geographies are facing different challenges related to the greater penetration of solar generation and have developed unique solutions.

While not all utilities are facing the challenges of high solar penetration today, the continued growth of solar generation will be at the doorstep of more and more utilities in the coming years. This discussion will focus on the challenges faced and the solutions selected.

About the Speaker

Carlos Chacon is an Application Director for the Renewable Energy and Energy Storage Group at S&C Electric Company. He has worked in the Electrical Power industry for almost 20 years and has a wide range of experience in Power Distribution, Renewable Energy power collection and Smart Grid components and architecture. He has been with S&C since 2007 where he has worked in business development in smart-grid projects, distribution automation, and with special focus on integration of utility scale projects involving photovoltaics, other renewables, and energy storage systems. Before joining S&C, Carlos was with another manufacturer where he worked as a distribution protection engineer and became Global Product Manager for transformer components.

Location       Time  
Sargent & Lundy, 24th floor Conference Room   11:30 AM   Social
55 East Monroe St   11:45 AM   Lunch (optional)
(Enter from Monroe or Adams, near Wabash)   12:00 PM   Presentation
Chicago, IL 60603   1:00 PM   Adjourn


Please make your reservation by noon on Monday 9 Feb 2015 via the Online Reservation Form.

Directions to Luncheon Location

You can reach the 24th floor of 55 East Monroe Street from the South (Adams Street entrance) elevator bank only.

Please bring your lunch with you. If you would like to purchase lunch, then the Under 55 dining room, in the basement on the North end of the building, is recommended.

Take the elevator to 24 and sign in with the Sargent & Lundy Receptionist. Please note that food is only permitted in the Hospitality Area outside the Conference Room. Food is not permitted in the Conference Room.

As you sign in, you may request a Discount Parking coupon. When you depart, you must pay for parking at the Automated Pay Station in the Parking Garage elevator lobby on the floor where you parked. First insert the parking ticket, then insert the discount coupon, then make payment. If you pay at the Garage Exit, then the discount is NOT available. With the discount, parking is $16, without $36.

Continuing Education

IEEE technical meetings may be acceptable as continuing education where required for maintenance of professional engineering licensure. Refer to the individual state's requirements for details. A receipt for one Professional Development Hour (PDH) will be provided.

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Updated 31 Jan 2015