[BCNnet] speak up for bird conservation

Judy Pollock bobolnk@ix.netcom.com
Fri, 19 Nov 2004 09:33:21 -0600

<font face="Times New Roman, Times">The message below concerns Teaming
with Wildlife, which is an effort to funnel significant funds for
non-game wildlife conservation to states. Promoting this effort is&nbsp;
one of the most effective things we can do to promote bird conservation
now.&nbsp; A call or a fax this week or next would be a big help - the
web site has all the info you need.&nbsp; Thanks!<br><br>
Judy Pollock<br><br>
Act Now to Secure Funding for wildlife...<br>
Teaming with Wildlife is a broad based coalition of wildlife interests
from sportsmen to &quot;green&quot; groups.&nbsp; We expect that the
support for state based efforts will continue to be important in this
climate.&nbsp; All of this bodes well for the State Wildlife Grants
program. Our biggest hurdle is overcoming the shrinking conservation
budget overall.&nbsp; The deficit and lack of connection to homeland
security will continue to make increased funding a hard sell.&nbsp; We
must not waver in voicing the need for such funding.&nbsp; <br><br>
Please contact your Members of Congress and ask them to support the
Senate's $75M for the State Wildlife Grants program.&nbsp;&nbsp; Go to
<a href="http://www.teaming.com/" eudora="autourl">www.teaming.com</a>
for sample letters, talking points, etc.&nbsp; We expect most of these decisions to be made over the next two weeks (before a break or adjournment for Thanksgiving). But they might delay things into December too.&nbsp; Please make your calls or send your faxes this week and early next.<br><br>
Judy Pollock<br>
bobolnk at ix dot netcom dot com<br>
Evanston (Cook)</body>