[BCNnet] Re: [birdwire] Help Save Albatrosses and Other Seabirds

Gmurphy6@aol.com Gmurphy6@aol.com
Sat, 31 Aug 2002 09:33:48 EDT

Received in my mail.

Virginia Murphy
Belleville, Illinois

In a message dated 8/30/02 1:32:19 PM Pacific Daylight Time, abc@abcbirds.org 

 Dear Birdwire Subscriber:
 We urgently need your help to save the world's albatrosses before they are
 driven to extinction.
 Albatrosses are among the most majestic of all birds. They soar above the
 world's oceans on wings that span up to eight feet, traveling for miles with
 barely a flap. They may stay at sea for weeks on end, searching for fish to
 bring back to their single, hungry chick waiting expectantly on land. Yet
 every year, hundreds of thousands of albatrosses and other seabirds are
 caught and drowned on the hooks of commercial longline fishing vessels.
 Believing the bait is an easy meal they dive on the fish only to be snared
 by the hooks and dragged under the water to drown. Not only does this affect
 the adult birds, but the chicks waiting to be fed miles away also slowly
 starve to death.
 But the dramatic deaths these birds suffer can be stopped by solutions so
 simple that they can be implemented immediately. We just need to generate
 the political will to make it happen.
 You can help with just the click of a mouse. Go to
 http://www.albatrossaction.org and click to send an automatically generated
 email to regulators requesting better protection for albatrosses and other
 seabirds in longline fisheries. We urgently need public pressure to push
 fishery regulators and managers to act. It will take less time to
 participate in the campaign than it did to read this email, yet the impact
 of your actions could be immense. Please help save the world's albatrosses
 and act now.
 Thanks for your support.
 George Fenwick
 American Bird Conservancy