[BCNnet] Re: Eggars Marsh, Wolf Lake

Terry Schilling tsrecord@ripco.com
Fri, 30 Aug 2002 02:20:22 -0500


I participated in the Wolf Lake Vision Implementation Committee meeting
yesterday afternoon, and my main purpose in being there was to make sure that
volunteer stewardship is part of the agenda for restoration of the areas around
Wolf Lake, including the wetlands that are being proposed in Wolf Lake itself,
adjacent brownfield areas like Calumet Containers property, Hyde Lake wetlands,
Indian Creek, Eggars Woods and Marsh, and George Lake. The focus of the Wolf
Lake VIC has been nudging government agencies to do this work, and doing
environmental education is the local schools, and recruiting some students to do
this work. That is all necessary, but insufficient, in my opinion. So we have
volunteer restoration as an agenda item for the September meeting, and we'll be
exploring ways to get a bi-state program centered around Wolf Lake going.

We did have a very preliminary discussion with a representative of USFWS who was
there, and it's possible that if we had the organization to accomplish it, a
grant of up to $50,000 might be available for wetland restoration. At this
point, however, the process is only just beginning.

I'm sure I'll be able to give a more useful report at the next BCN meeting.
Until then, more details as they become available...

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