ECE Advising:
BS in Computer and Cybersecurity Engineering (BSCCSE)
BS in Computer Engineering (BSCPE)
BS in Electrical Engineering (BSEE)
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Undergraduate Advising Goals:

  • Build a relationship with each student via her/his faculty advisor
  • Provide advice during 2-week advising period (course plan, Illinois Tech services, career path, etc.)
  • Enable advised ECE students to enroll in classes as soon as tiered registration opens

Requirements for Students:

  • Submit list of desired courses when scheduling appointment
  • Meet in person or online with Advisor for 15 minute advising appointment
  • Be prompt and prepared for appointment (see curriculum sheets, detailed course descriptions, and links to Registrar's Policies & Procedures below)
  • Register for courses agreed upon during appointment

Requirements for Faculty:

  • Set aside sufficient meeting slots for advisees during two-week advising period
  • Be available for appointments scheduled at least 24 hours in advance via the
    ECE Google Calendar Advising Appointment Page
  • Discuss student issues (degree program, other university offices, graduate school, careers)
  • Document advising appointment in DegreeWorks; provide referral to ECE Department for specific advising issues; provide Alternate PIN (to be posted at beginning of two-week advising/pre-registration period on under Teaching tab)

Announcement Email to all ECE Undergraduates:

Referral to the ECE Department:

  • Advising Referral Issues - specific issues that must be referred to the ECE Department, or another office, following an Advising Appointment

Advising Procedure for Students:

  1. Create a desired list of courses based on the most recent ECE Curriculum Sheets, DegreeWorks and the Detailed Course Descriptions below.
  2. Pay attention to how your desired courses fit within an actual course schedule for the semester based on course/section offering times. The Registrar plans to post the upcoming course schedule on the first day of the advising / pre-registration period.
  3. Determine your Advisor via the Academics tab (Academic Profile channel).
  4. Sign-up for a 15 minute Advising Appointment with your Advisor via the
    ECE Google Calendar Advising Appointment page.
    • Appointments must be made at least 24 hours in advance.
    • Click on your Advisor's name.
    • Choose a Date and Time.
    • Fill out the Description textbox with your Student ID and desired list of courses.
  5. Discuss your course selections and any other advising issues with your Advisor.
  6. Following your advising appointment, your Advisor will provide your Alternate PIN and record the outcome of the meeting in the Notes section of your DegreeWorks record.
  7. If you need to follow up on an item listed in the Advising Referral Issues document above, then your Advisor will refer you to ECE Academic Program Coordinator, Ms. Joanette Catino, or another office, for further assistance.
If you cannot find an open appointment on your Advisor's calendar, then please send an email to ECE Academic Program Coordinator, Ms. Joanette Catino (, or stop by her office, Siegel Hall 103. She will try to schedule an appointment with ECE Department Associate Chair, Dr. Erdal Oruklu.

Curriculum Sheets (last revised Spring 2023):

Recent major curriculum/course changes:
  • Fall 2022 - A curriculum update for Cybersecurity Engineering Major: Cybersecurity Software Engineering Elective replaces the ECE 442 in the 8th semester . The new elective course options are: ECE 442, ECE 448, ECE 449, or ECE 473.
  • Fall 2022 - A curriculum update for Cybersecurity Engineering Major: ECE 222 replaces the Career elective II in the 4th semester.
  • Fall 2022 - A new course introduced: ECE 222 Introduction to Cybersecurity.
  • Fall 2022 - Removed the CS470 substitution for ECE 485 in BSCPE and BSCPCSE programs. (Course contents are significantly different)
  • Summer 2022 - Cybersecurity Law Elective now includes “LAW379 Blockchain and the Law" in addition to LAW 252, LAW 285, LAW 295, or LAW 478.
  • Spring 2022 - Cybersecurity Engineering Major: ECE 443 is recommended for the 5th semester. Math333/Math 350 is recommended in the 6th semester. Sample curriculum sheets are updated.
  • Spring 2022 - BSEE, BSCPE and BSCCSE programs are revised. "Career Elective" courses are introduced.
  • Spring 2021 - Waivers for prerequisite courses need to be approved by the ECE Department and ECE UPC. Advisors should forward any such request to Ms. Joanette Catino.
  • Spring 2021 - Curriculum change for BSEE, BSCPE and BSCCSE: At least one of the professional elective courses must be identified as Major Design Experience (M) course.
  • Spring 2021 - Revised and retitled ECE 441 Smart and Connected Embedded System Design. ECE 441 is now a Major Design Experience (M) course.
  • Fall 2021 - Revised and retitled ECE 449 Object Oriented Programming and Machine Learning
  • Spring 2020 - A new course introduced: ECE 448 Application Software Design
  • Spring 2019 - A new course introduced: ECE 444 Computer Network Security
  • Spring 2019 - EE required course ECE 312 Electronic Circuits is replaced with a Free elective course
  • Fall 2018 - Revised and redesigned Laboratory Experiments of ECE 407 Introduction to Computer Networks with Laboratory
  • Fall 2018 - A new course introduced: ECE 443 Introduction to Computer Cyber Security
  • Fall 2018 - A new degree introduced: BS in Computer and Cybersecurity Engineering (CCSE)
  • Spring 2018 - Revised and redesigned ECE 319 Fundamentals of Power Engineering
  • Spring 2018 - Revised and retitled ECE 441 Microcomputers and Embedded Computing Systems
  • Spring 2018 - Revised and retitled ECE 420 Analytical Methods for Power System Economics and Cybersecurity
  • Fall 2017 - Revised and retitled ECE 412 Hybrid Electric Vehicle Drives
  • Fall 2017 - A new course introduced: ECE 442 Internet of Things and Cyber Physical Systems
  • Fall 2015 - Sophomore-level Laboratory courses were resturctured; Digital electronics labs all linked to ECE 218 Digital Systems, analog electronics labs all linked to ECE 213 Circuit Analysis II
  • Fall 2015 - MATH 474 requirement changed to MATH 374 requirement
  • Fall 2012 - ECE Faculty approved the following list of first-year Science Elective courses (choose one): BIOL105/107, BIOL114/115, CHEM126, MS201

Curriculum Flow Charts:

ECE Undergraduate Program Tracks

Students can select courses from a rich set of options and formulate their study program in Junior and Senior year, according to their career interests.

Detailed Undergraduate Course Descriptions:

Links to Additional Resources:

Updated October 25, 2023
Send comments and corrections to oruklu at iit dot edu