[BCNnet] BCN - Defeat NRA Provision That Will Kill Wildlife -- Take Action

pjbruchman at comcast.net pjbruchman at comcast.net
Wed Nov 7 15:20:47 CST 2012

Now that the election is over we have an issue that needs to be addressed quickly. I hope you will read this carefully and follow up on it personally and then forward this on to anyone interested in saving wildlife. 

Our BCN advocacy chair Donnie Dann has brought to our attention Senate Bill 3525 , titled Sportsmen's Act of 2012 . Supported by the National Rifle Association among others, this act is aimed at halting any effort to apply the Toxic Substance Control Act to lead ammunition that poisons and kills a variety of wildlife and especially millions of birds each year, including endangered California condors, eagles, swans and loons. The EPA should be urged to use the Toxic Substance Control Act to limit the amount of lead that's left in the wild for nature's scavengers to ingest and should not be limited in any way in that pursuit. 

Clearly this act is dangerous for birds and it may be voted on as early as Nov. 13. Donnie asks that each of us picks up the phone and call Senator Dick Durbin at 202-224-2152 . Leave a message for him that you are an Illinois resident and that you strongly encourage him to vote against this bill. Donnie says the more of us who call and leave messages for Senator Durbin, the better. Please follow up and make a call and ask family and friends to do so as well. 

Thank you for taking action to help birds. 


Joan Bruchman, President 
Bird Conservation Network 

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