[BCNnet] Wind Energy - a rational formula

Donnie Dann donniebird at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 6 05:09:08 CST 2007

As we all know wind power as a source of energy is beneficial to birds.  It
creates zero carbon emissions and causes significantly lower habitat
disturbance than fossil fuel extraction.  Yet wind turbines can also be a
source of mortality to birds and bats, especially when poorly sited.  As a
result many birders continue to be conflicted by the increasing use of wind


The following is from Paul Bacich's E-Bulletin, and could serve as a
national model for wind farms as they continue to be established.


Donnie Dann

Highland Park/Lake County

donniebird at yahoo.com 


Also from California, in late September the California Energy Commission
voted unanimously to adopt voluntary windpower guidelines. The 80-page
"Guidelines to Reduce Impacts of Windpower on Birds and Bats" is a joint
product of the Commission and the California Department of Fish and Game.
Regionally, Audubon California, the Golden Gate and Los Angeles Audubon
chapters, Defenders of Wildlife, and Sierra Club all strongly supported the
Starting in 2006, key players from both the windpower industry and wildlife
conservation groups met to discuss possible solutions to windpower problems.
These initial discussions ultimately led to the 80-page set of guidelines.
The guidelines can be downloaded at:

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