[BCNnet] new nature area coming to Chicago's lakefront (no sightings)

Randi Doeker - Chicago rbdoeker at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 21 09:01:01 CDT 2007

FYI - the Chicago Park District is turning Peanut Park into a nature area.
My guess is that this is a suggestion from Ken Wysocki that has finally
gotten attention at the Park District (where there are more nature-oriented
staffers now than back when Ken was involved).


Unofficially named after its shape, Peanut Park is the most northeastern
section of Grant Park. When you drive north on Lake Shore Drive through
Grant Park, you are heading toward the Cancer Survivor's Garden. When you
get there, the road swerves to the right. Peanut Park is the grassy area
that disappears below on your left, out of sight, seemingly under the Drive.
(My guess is that the main visitors to Peanut Park are lost tourists.)


Given its location right on the lakefront, this area has great potential. I
don't have the details on what happens when - but it is great to have this
to look forward to.


Randi Doeker




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