[BCNnet] migrant IBAs - legible, I hope

bobolnk at ix.netcom.com bobolnk at ix.netcom.com
Fri Apr 28 16:41:42 CDT 2006

The Illinois IBA program is entering phase two, and you may have something important
- spring migrant bird lists! 

IBA Phase 1 identified the easy sites - those that met a simple numerical threshold.
Now, for the hard stuff - hotspots for migrant landbirds.  After much wrestling
(figuratively speaking of course), the technical committee has figured out some 
initial criteria.  You may have information that could help identify the best migratory

Important note:  the IBA technical committee strongly encourages you - no, NEEDS
you - to call in sick or otherwise duck out on your responsibilities for at least
three mornings this May to visit your favorite migrant spot.
Here's the goal -  To find:

Migrant Stopover IBA's that regularly host large concentrations of warblers and 
other migrant species in the spring and fall. 

Sites that shelter high concentrations of migrant landbirds and/or sites that are
important due to their isolation from other areas with similar habitat.
Here's what is needed: 

Historical data of high counts at the site for multiple years, and/or data from 
a series of visits in one year.  Most preferred is a series of at least 3 counts
from '06, and high counts from up to 2 additional years in the last five years.
Counts should last for 2 1/2 early morning hours.

If you have data in a different format, it may well be useful.

Identified sites benefit in many ways from having their importance to birds clearly
More information is at http://www.habitatproject.org/default.asp?cid=38.  

Please contact me with questions, comments, suggestions, etc.  Thank you!

Judy Pollock
ph. 847 965-1150
jpollock at audubon.org
Evanston, Cook County

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