[BCNnet] Proposed hotel development at the Indina Dunes

DRD donniebird at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 19 06:51:01 CDT 2006

BCNnet friends,


Please see the following article from today's northwest Indiana's Post
Tribune on this issue.  The reporter got it mostly right, except I never
said Piping Plovers nest on the beach there.  




Attached are copies of my letter to Kyle Hupfer, head of the Indiana DNR (an
identical letter was sent to Governor Mitch Daniels) and the Chicago
Tribune.  It would be great if everyone would write similar letters of
protest for this misguided development.  Governor Daniels' address is
Honorable Mitch Daniels, Governor, Statehouse, Indianapolis, Indiana
46204-2797.  Thanks very much for pitching in.




Donnie Dann

Highland Park/Lake County

donniebird at yahoo.com 



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