[BCNnet] FYI: Stroger to seek 4th term as Cook County President

Randi Doeker - Chicago rbdoeker at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 1 09:02:15 CDT 2005

For Cook County-ites: John Stroger has formally told the press he is running again for Cook County

There is a chance to unseat him in the March primary but not if the anti-Stroger vote is split
between Mike Quigley and Forest Claypool.

What is going to determine whether both are still in the race next March is what kind of support
each gets and how soon. If one of them is dramatically ahead in terms of money raised and
volunteers, the big donors will go that direction.

So your candidate needs your support NOW.  Don't dawdle.  

Do the research if you don't know enough to pick one. NOW.  Look at their resume, etc.  

I send this as a half non-partisan get-out-the-vote/educational message.  (The FOTFP is a
non-political group. BCN, however, can have political discussions. Sign up for BCNnet list serv at
www.bcnbirds.org .)

Randi Doeker
Cook Co.

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