[BCNnet] Bad Wetlands Bill Fails

Donald R. Dann donniebird at yahoo.com
Wed May 11 20:52:07 CDT 2005

BCN friends,


As birders know well, wetlands are crucial for a variety of birdlife as well
as biodiversity in general.  The following happened today, and my State
Representative, Karen May, worked tirelessly to bring it off.  




Donald R. Dann

Highland Park/Lake County  

Wetland Destruction Act Dies In House

Senate Bill 761, which has been dubbed in Springfield the "Wetland
Destruction Act", died today after votes for it on the House Energy and
Environment Committee evaporated in the face of strong opposition from
environmental groups, local governments, the Blagojevich Administration, and
Attorney General Lisa Madigan. State Representative Karen May worked
tirelessly for wetlands as usual. SB 761 sponsor and Committee Chairman said
the bill had been assigned to a subcommittee "for a future hearing...maybe"
- Springfield-speak for the legislative recycling bin. 

SB 761 faced long odds on the House floor in the face of this opposition,
but its failure to even clear the House Energy and Environment Committee
today was a surprising development. The Committee is ordinarily deferential
to industry lobbyists, and many of the heaviest hitters in Springfield were
leaning on members to advance the bill. However, by the end of the day, it
was clear that no amount of clout could carry such a strongly
anti-environment, anti-local government bill to the finish line. 

The defeat of SB 761 is clearly a big victory for citizens across the state
who made their voices heard in Springfield. However, it does not provide
real protection for wetlands abandoned by the federal government in much of
the state. For that, we'll need to craft a new proposal. But with the threat
of SB 761 extinguished, we can move on to building consensus for a bill that
provides real protection while respecting local authority.


This is from the Illinois Environmental Council.

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