[BCNnet] New bird-focused restoration project

Judy Pollock bobolnk@ix.netcom.com
Tue, 14 Sep 2004 19:58:49 -0500

New Project Launches Saturday<br>
Restoration focuses on the birds of grassland, shrubland, savanna and
Do you know any potential volunteers who live in Palatine, Barrington,
Arlington Heights, or nearby? If so, they might like to hear about
On Saturday, Sept. 18 in the Spring Creek forest preserves near
Barrington, the Cook County FPD and partner organizations (including the
BCN) will launch the largest and most ambitious habitat restoration
project in Cook County. This is a thrilling and rare opportunity. With
some hard work and a devoted team of partners, we will be able to bring
back to life 3,900 acres prairie, savanna, marsh, fen and oak woodland.
It is already breeding ground for dozens of Henslow=92s sparrows along with
sandhill cranes, orchard orioles, and more.<br>
The Spring Creek project will in time be appreciated by perhaps ten pairs
of sandhill cranes along with hundreds of bobolinks, dickcissels, king
rails and other nearly vanished birds. Butterflies, frogs, orchids, and
rare grasses will be their neighbors.<br>
The project will be a community-based restoration, and we are excited
about the opportunity it presents to identify new conservation volunteers
and bring them into the network of conservationists who are doing such
important restoration work at other sites. <br>
Potential new volunteers are invited to join us for the Project Kickoff
on Saturday, Sept. 18, <br>
from 9 =96 noon at the preserve. The schedule of activities for the morning
is as follows: <br>
&nbsp;9:00&nbsp; =96&nbsp;
Tours of prairie, woodland, and wetland<br>
10:30&nbsp; =96&nbsp;
Meet local ecology experts<br>
11:00&nbsp; =96&nbsp;
Speaker: =93How Volunteers Can Help Restore This Land=94<br>
11:30&nbsp; =96&nbsp;
Unveiling of restoration vision and plan<br>
</i></b>Directions: from Higgins Road, turn north onto Wichman Road, just
north of I-90 and one mile west of Rt. 59. For a map or more information,
please check out the BCN website:
<a href=3D"http://www.bcnbirds.org/" eudora=3D"autourl">www.bcnbirds.org</a>
(scroll to the far right and click on the Spring Creek date. Note =96 the=
 download is slow, but it will come!) or contact <a=
 href=3D"mailto:rblazer@audubon.org">rblazer@audubon.org</a> or=
 847-965-1150. <br>
If anyone can=92t come on the 18th but would like to be invited to future=
 opportunities, please call or email Rebecca. <br>
Judy Pollock<br>
Evanston (Cook)</body>