[BCNnet] Invitation - September Habitat Clinics

Judy Pollock bobolnk@ix.netcom.com
Tue, 07 Sep 2004 16:10:13 -0500

Habitat Clinics for September<br><br>
This month's Chicago Wilderness Habitat Clinics range from urban parkland
to wild prairie and wetland.&nbsp; You are invited to join in some great
conversation among those who study and care for our region's natural
lands.&nbsp;&nbsp; The clinics that have been held so far have received
excellent reviews - inspiring people, important issues and wonderful
ideas.&nbsp; <br><br>
Gompers Park, Chicago's northwest side<br>
Saturday, September 11, 9 a.m. - noon<br>
Topics: Municipal parks restoration challenges,&nbsp; fostering community
around urban natural areas, recruiting volunteers, urban hydrology
issues, poaching and other human pressures, striving for quality in
highly disturbed sites.<br>
Directions:&nbsp; Meet at Gompers Park parking lot on the west side of
Pulaski just south of Foster.<br>
Robyn Flakne, Village of Glenview<br>
Jim MacDonald, steward, Gompers Park<br>
John and Marian Thill, stewards, Friends of Morton Grove Forest
Burnidge Forest Preserve, Kane County<br>
Saturday, September 11, 9 a.m. =96 noon&nbsp; <br>
Directions:&nbsp; contact Rebecca Blazer<br>
Topics: Steward/landowner collaboration, weighing volunteer vs.
mechanical restoration, setting priorities, wetland processes,
restoration effects on wildlife, community support of open space.<br>
Mary Alice Masonic, co-steward, Burnidge Forest Preserve<br>
Shouba, Open Space Coordinator, Campton Township<br>
Swick, co-steward, Burnidge Forest Preserve<br>
Ullberg, Forest Preserve District of Kane County<br><br>
What is a Habitat Clinic?&nbsp; Teams of regional experts and experienced
volunteers lead participants through a range of questions and challenges
in eight natural areas where volunteers are making significant
contributions.&nbsp;&nbsp; More detailed information is posted at
<a href=3D"http://www.habitatproject.org/">www.habitatproject.org</a>.<br>
For additional information contact Rebecca Blazer at
<a href=3D"mailto:rblazer@audubon.org">rblazer@audubon.org</a> or
847-965-9239 ext. 21. These workshops are free and open to conservation
volunteers in Chicago Wilderness.<br><br>
Judy Pollock<br>
jpollock@audubon.org </body>