[BCNnet] press coverage

bobolnk@ix.netcom.com bobolnk@ix.netcom.com
Sun, 2 Nov 2003 09:32:30 -0600 (GMT-06:00)

There are two interesting articles out this week in the local papers - below is a forwarded message about the Pioneer Press series about the Forest Preserves - Jerry Garden's work at the Skokie Lagoons is featured in one of the articles and the writer does a good job explaining the connection between forest preserve health and bird conservation.  My Evanston Review has a nice photo of Libby Hill with binoculars in Perkins Woods on the front cover, and an article about her work there, as well. 

Also, the Daily Herald yesterday had an article about the Swainson's Hawks in Kane Co. being threatened by development.  Bob Fisher and I are trying to pull together a group to look into this a little more.  There's a local group fighting the development that we're talking to.  We'll send more when we know it, but if you'd like to help with this, let one of us know. 

Judy Pollock

The Palatine Countryside, my local Pioneer Press paper, arrived today (one
day later than usual). It has PAGES devoted to the Cook County forest
preserves, and it says this is the first of a two-part special report on the
preserves, carried out in a joint effort by Pioneer Press and the Star

"Tarnished treasure" is the theme of the coverage.

The lead article in the Palatine Countryside starts out with a quote from
the land-management chapter of our report from last year, saying that
invasive species are a big problem in the preserves. Steve Packard, Debra
Shore, and Jane Balaban are all quoted at length. There are several
accompanying articles, photos, and sidebars, so you can't really get the
flavor of the whole thing unless you have the printed paper. (Pioneer Press
papers cost $1 at the newsstand.)

Check it out.

Barbara C. Hill