[BCNnet] article on private parking lot toll on fishermen, birders

Birdchris@aol.com Birdchris@aol.com
Fri, 22 Aug 2003 17:37:45 -0400

There are two lots in question near the Sanctuary. 

The lot that fills up with resident parkers (who get free parking in off-peak hours, thanks to Charlotte Newfeld's efforts on behalf of Lakeview residents) is WEST of the southernmost set of tennis courts. There is a more modest fee for parking during the day on weekends in this lot (starts at 8:00 a.m. till maybe 7:00? I pass the sign twice a day and never pay attention). 

The free lot that does not fill up very often and then, only later in the morning is EAST of the southernmost set of tennis courts. The EAST lot is never full on weekdays and not usually on weekend mornings before 10:00. That might change if people realize it's free and that they have to pay to park in the lots to the south and west.
