[BCNnet] Fwd: Nonprofits: Greatest stories never told?

Judy Pollock bobolnk@ix.netcom.com
Tue, 21 May 2002 15:24:33 -0500

>Ever feel that your nonprofit group knows "the greatest stories never
>told?"  Learn how to share your message and make the news in difficult
>M A K I N G   M E D I A   C O N N E C T I O N S   C O N F E R E N C E
>June 5 - 6, 2002
>The midwest's largest conference tailored to community and nonprofit media
>Why register:
>* Get personalized media tune-ups with Media Mechanics--the only conference
>to individually 'workshop' your own projects.
>* Implement strategies from over 20 workshops and interactive trainings,
>such as 'Planning Your Way Into TV News' and 'Nonprofit Media Success
>* Position your media pitches as a form of Storytelling, demonstrated by
>La'Ron Williams and Susan O'Halloran.
>* Build relationships by personally meeting reporters, editors, and media
>* Sweat through the SPIN Project's Media Boot Camp.
>Who's presenting:
>* Journalists and media experts from national, local, print and broadcast
>media: USA Today, Associated Press, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times,
>Dateline/NBC; CBS; PBS, NPR, CNN, and more
>* Celebrated media critic Robert McChesney, author of 'Rich Media, Poor
>Democracy,' delivers keynote address
>* The Power of a Story: author and legend Studs Terkel in person
>* TV news veteran and Fox 32 anchorman Walter Jacobson reflects on 'Your
>Dreams, Our Realities'
>All conference details & registration form now online:
>Click here for printable brochure and registration form (uses Adobe
>Acrobat): http://www.newstips.org/ConfReg.pdf
>G E T T I N G   O N   T H E   A I R   &   I N T O   P R I N T
>A Citizen's Guide to Chicago-Area Media
>2002 Edition, book & CD
>Get your issues into the public eye!  Locate the news media with Chicago's
>most detailed listing of reporters, editors, and producers.
>Spring updates are here for all those who order(ed) the 2002 Edition!
>Order info: http://www.newstips.org/ad.html
>S H O W C A S E   Y O U R   S E R V I C E S
>with an ad in Getting On the Air & Into Print, 2003!
>Reach hundreds of communications professionals, media experts and
>nonprofits all year long, starting at just $125.
>Click here for ad details & rates (uses Adobe Acrobat):
>D E S I G N   Y O U R   O W N   Communications Workshop!
>Can your organization use a customized media relations training?
>Fill out a request here: http://www.newstips.orgConsultForm.pdf

>N E W S T I P S
>*Welfare Reform: Work Supports Crucial*
>The Newstips news service explores vital issues twice monthly:
>Connecting the Community
>with Media,
>The Workshop promotes news that matters.
>Thank you for your interest.  Please forward this to others with an
>interest in midwest media relations, especially nonprofit and community
>groups seeking to "get in the news."
>To unsubscribe, simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the
>subject line.  You will be removed from the list within 2 weeks.
>Community Media Workshop | 312-344-6400 | fax 344-6404 | cmw@newstips.org |
>600 S. Michigan | Chicago, IL 60605 | http://www.newstips.org
Judy Pollock