[BCNnet] listowner message

Geoffrey A. Williamson williamson@iit.edu
Mon, 13 Aug 2001 11:27:35 -0500

BCNnet subscribers:

After being inoperative for a brief period, BCNnet is back up and
running.  We have installed new list management software that makes
it easier for you to manage your subscriptions and also offers some
additional features.

Posting to the list remains the same: send posts to

Problems and comments may be directed to me at

(this admin address replaces the old owner-bcnnet address).

You should have received a "welcome to the bcnnet mailing list" providing
some basic information about the new configuration.  Everyone on the old
subscription list was moved over to the new subscription list - you all 
have active subscriptions on the new list and need take no action on your
own part to continue to receive BCNnet messages.  

Let me emphasize some of the basic information that was sent, and also
point out some new features you have at your disposal.

You can get information about BCNnet and manage your subscriptions via the
web page

>From there, you can follow the directions to access your subscription 
settings.  Some features that you can utilize:
	- you can temporarily halt receipt of messages without removing yourself
	  from the list 

	- you can receive BCNnet in "digest form": get only one message a day
	  with all the day's posts

	- subscribe and unsubscribe requests are handled easily via this interface

Currently, anyone can view a list of the subscribers to BCNnet via this web
interface.  If you would like to conceal yourself from this listing, you can
do by changing the appropriate subscription setting.

Finally, the BCNnet posts are being archived, with archives viewable at

These various URL's for the web interface and archives are included in message
headers on all BCNnet posts.  Also included there are the important list
email addresses.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact me.

Geoff Williamson
BCNnet list administrator